Connecting to open industrial network standard EtherNet/IP
The EtherNet/IP Coupler Unit is the link between the EtherNet/IP multivendor network and the NX-series I/O Units and Safety Units. With wide variety of the I/O Units and Safety Units, the NX-series is the perfect match for the CJ-series and multivendor Controllers.

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  • Up to 63 NX-IO Units can be connected to one EtherNet/IP Coupler Unit. Standard and high-performance units can be mixed.*
  • Each Coupler plus its I/O form just a single EtherCAT node on the network.
  • I/O control and safety control can be integrated by connecting Units for safety.
  • The IP address can be found on the label on the Unit, without using software.
  • Slave configuration by Sysmac Studio can be done centrally via the controller, or on-the-spot using the Coupler’s built-in USB port.
    * Input per Coupler Unit: Maximum 504 bytes, Output per Coupler Unit: Maximum 504 bytes

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